
Off to Dallas

I want to start by thanking all of you for you support and thoughts over the past several weeks, they have meant so much to Scott and I. After the blood test today we were told that it was negative, our 1st IVF attempt has failed. Everything seemed to be going perfect and the other than a little slow start everything went better than planned, perfect cycle were the dr's exact words. There is no way to know why it failed but all we can do is move forward, as I told Scott tonight this is not going to get us down. We are going to meet with Dr. Malizia next Tuesday to talk about doing FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) in January since we do have 6 embabies on ice. Scott and I also have discussed visiting with some adoption agencies over the month of December to prepare ourselves for that next chapter and what all it may entail. Scott and I know in our hearts we will be parents and maybe the path we are currently on isn't the one intended for us. Our child is out there and we are eagerly awaiting the day we are finally able to meet it! Thanks again to everyone for all your support, thoughts and prayers they really have meant alot and have given us the strenght to get through this battle. I am sure there will be many more battles to fight as we aren't giving up and we hope that you don't either!

I am off to Dallas tomorrow for our National Sales Meeting...at least I will have something diverting my attention for a few days.


War Damn Eagle

Talk about an intense game! I went to the game with my family who are all Alabama fans (not the real obnoxious kind) and because of the cold and rain I switched seats and decided to sit in the Ivory Club (with all the real obnoxious AL fans). I think I held my breath so long my chest started to hurt because that first half was intense. I am glad we were able to recover in the second and bring it home for a win, even if it was only by a point.

I go to the Dr. in the morning for my blood test and I am so nervous. I will go in the morning and they will call me tomorrow afternoon and let me know the results, so convenient that I lost my phone over the weekend! Please continue to pray that we have positive results tomorrow.



Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and I hope that everyone has a day filled with food, family and safe travels. My house has been invaded by my family so I have alot to keep my mind off the 5 more days I have until Monday...I feel like it will never get here. I hope everyone has a great day and keep those positive test thoughts going.


1st Picture

Here is the ultrasound image from yesterday...not too much to see other than the beautiful white dot above the E that are our 2 eggos.


Stick Babies Stick

Today was transfer day and what a day it was. First off I had to drink my weight in water before I got to the office because a full bladder pushes down on your uterus and makes for an easier procedure. When we got there I was already doing the pee pee dance and Dr Steinkampf took us back to his office to talk about our embryos and to decide how many to transfer. Our doctor, Dr Malizia was out of town but they said she had been texting wanting updates on us all weekend, love our doctor! Dr. Steinkampf started off by telling us a pure miracle had happened...we had 2 more embryos than we did on Friday! When Karen called on Friday she said we had 10 viable eggs and of those 8 had feritlized...well instead of giving up on the other 2 they left them and when they got there this morning they were now ferilized! We looked over all 10 of our embryos and Dr. S said we had 4 perfect 8 cell embryos, two 10 cell embryos, two 4 cell embryos and 2 undefined embryos (just a mass, not definition to the cells). The way the cell divides is 2/4/8/16/32 so the 10 cell is not abnormal but also not normal, he did say that he had seen plenty of viable pregnancies off day three 10 cell embryos but a perfect embryo was a third day 8 cell. We decided based on his suggestion to transfer 2 of the 8 cell embryos and to go ahead and freeze the other two 8 cell and the two 10 cells (I know that was alot of info). They are going to continue to watch the other two 4 cells and undefined embryos and will call us on Wednesday to let us know if they are worth freezing or to discard them. I am amazed I remembered all this info because about halfway into this I was about to die from a busting bladder! We went back to the IVF room and I begged for them to let me tee tee just a little and they said that was fine but to not drain my bladder, meaning I had to stop mid stream...not easy! I changed into my famous hat, booties and gown and we walked into the transfer room. Once on the table the used an ultrasound to guide the way into the uterus amd deposited our 2 fabulous embryos. They took a picture of them but it will be a bit before I can get it scanned in...supposed to be on bedrest all day. After that we were ready to go...after i went to the bathroom again (I was dying). Keep up the good work, you are all wonderful and I know that everyone's prayers, support and well wishes have gotten us this far and we will continue to get good news on Monday, November 29 when I go back from a blood test...just 8 days! Pray these puppies stick and for Bruner baby (babies) this summer!


Fabulous News!

Can I tell you how nerve racking it is sitting around waiting for someone to call you and let you know the state of your reproductive future! I was anxious all morning awaiting the phone call from Karen to let us know how many of the 13 eggs they retrieved yesterday where going to fertilize, if any... You try not the think about the fact that none of them would fertilize but at this stage in the game it was a very real possibility...but thanks to everyone's support and prayers we had 8...yes 8 fertilized eggs. Karen called around 11:30 and said of the 13 eggs that were retrieve 10 were viable (meaning 3 were not developed enough) and of those 10, 8 began to grow once introduced to Scott's half of the deal. We had 80% fertilize! I am not an IVF know it all but I have to think that is pretty darn good. We go in Sunday morning at 9 am for the transfer, how many they will transfer will be a "game time decision." What we don't transfer we can freeze and if this doesn't work we can thaw them out or later down the road if we want to try for a sibling we can use them. Thanks to everyone for their support, prayers and kind words. You have all been great and Scott and I love you all!


Retrieval Day

Today was the big day! Scott and I got the the Dr's office this morning around 8 and Scott went staight back to do his thing and I got dressed in my beautiful gown, booties and hat. Frances got me all set up with an IV and went over what would happen and then we just waited on Dr Malizia. Once she got there we walked into the IVF room and they got me all set up. Dr. Malizia used a transvaginal sonogram to locate the follicles and she then inserted a needle into the follicle and withdrew the egg. In total she was able to retrieve 13 eggs! The embreologist took the eggs once we were done and begane injecting Scotts buddies into each of the eggs. They walked me back into the recovery room and I stayed there sipping on Sprite for about 45 minutes and then Scott and I were headed back home. Karen will call in the morning and let us know how many eggs fertilized and when we will do the transfer. Everyone keep up the prayers that baby bruner is on its way!


Back on Track

Well after a couple of nerve racking days it seems my body is back on track and we are scheduled for a retrieval Thursday at 8 am. I was talking to Karen today and she said I just got a slower start than most and luckily my estrogen levels never spiked which allowed us more time to stimulate my ovaries. I think I am probably the last retrieval they will do, which is fine by me, maybe I will get alot of personal attention. I do one more round of stim shots tonight, an HSG shot tomorrow night at 10 to give the follicles one last boost of hormones and then go in Thursday. I will post the results from the retrieval when I get home Thursday afternoon. Wish us luck and keep all those thoughts and prayers coming, they are really working!!


Baby Steps

Scott and I went back to the Dr this morning to see if I had any growth since Friday. When we pulled into the parking lot there were alot of cars and Scott and I both looked at each other. Having been up here on a weekend before we know lots of cars means lots of wait time. I went back and had blood drawn and on my way to the lab I passed the retrieval room and there were already 2 girls in there...in my head I was thinking how in the heck are they ready for retrieval so fast. Karen called us back a little while later and the ultrasound was promising. My follicles had grown up to 14mm (where they should have been on Friday) but she said I needed another day if not 2 more days of medicine...problem, I was out of meds. She had some of the meds I needed there and a friend that had done an IVF cycle previously was nice enough to give me what I didn't have (prayer answered!) Karen called later this morning and said that my Estrogen levels had risen nicely and that I was starting to show some sign of progress and that she thought we would be okay after all that I was just getting a later start than most. She said it might be Wednesday or Thursday next week before we did the retrieval and that was just fine. I go back in the morning to make sure that these borrowed meds get me to where I need to be. Thanks for all the prayers...they are working, keep them up!


Prayers Needed

I had another Dr's appointment this morning to follow up on the growth of my follicles since my visit on Wednesday. Unfortunatly my follicles had grown a little more than a mm putting them around 11mm (they need to get to 18mm) and Karen said realistically they should be at 14-15mm today. She went ahead and told me that she would have to consult with Dr. Steinkampf but it was a possiblity he could cancel the IVF cycle. Of course this was a hard blow to take but considering the blows I have taken in the past year on this journey this was just another obstacle we will deal with. Karen called back later this afternoon and said that Dr. Steinkampf didn't want to cancel the treatment just yet but for me to take my injections tonight and tomorrow night and to come back Sunday morning and let's see if we have had anymore growth. SO...we need lots of prayers right now that if this is the path we are supposed to be on that my follicles will bust out over the next 2 days and we can continue on with the IVF next week. If this is not the path we are to be on and we have to cancel IVF then it just wasn't meant to be and sometimes you just can't push mother nature. Scott and I are finally at peace with all of this and we know whatever the outcome may be we will be parents!


Scooter the Clown

I had another Dr's appointment yesterday and we are right on schedule. I had 2 really nice follicles (An ovarian follicle is a cellular structure found in the ovary where immature eggs mature, leading to ovulation and either pregnancy or menstruation. Human women are born with nearly a million ovarian follicles, each with the potential to grow into an egg with the potential for fertilization. These essential parts of female reproduction are normal beneficial and functional, however abnormal growth can lead to health problems such as ovarian cysts.) on my right ovary and 2 really good ones on my left. She wants me to get several more on each side and they need to get a little bigger. Right now the are between 10-12mm and need to get to 18-22mm (this size usually means an egg has developed inside the follicle). I go back again Friday morning to see how many more they can find...I am still feeling like next Wednesday is going to be the day. I have had a headache since last Tuesday that just wont go away and asked Karen if it had anything to do with the meds and she said yes, it was an Estrogen headache and tylenol really wouldn't make it go away, they just had to get my estrogen levels up....fabulous!!

I had a small meltdown last night over nothing really so I think the hormones are starting to kick in, sorry babe. Here is a picture of Scooter the Clown to give everyone a good laugh today. Scott every year dresses up as a clown and hands out balloon animals or bracelets this year (which he forgot to do becuase he was engrossed in his midget motorcycle). For those of you not at our house on Halloween, Scott this year rode his midget motorcylce up and down the street dressed as a clown and ultimatly scared the begeezus out of childred and adults. Why doesn't anyone like clowns, has everyone seen the movie Killer Clowns from Outerspace?

Scooter the Clown


New Orleans

So I had some hesitation going to New Orleans for a bachelorette party knowing I was going to be Sober Sally all weekend but I have realized as entertaining as my friends are I didn't need alcohol to have fun...would have been awesome to have known this years ago, could have skipped some killer hangovers! Before we went I said I was going to kick Rachel's ass in taking pictures (she is the camera queen) and sadly I have to say I took about 10 pictures and if any of you are reading this I am going to need you to send me your pics as mine aren't even that good (other than the picture of sarah and staff in these ridiculous wigs and masks). I am glad I got to spend that time with all the girls, it is time I miss and as we get older it seems to get shorter and shorter. I love you girls and thank you all for the love and support you gave me this weekend, ya'll are the best! I go back to Dr tomorrow to see where I am in the plumping of my ovaries...check back tomorrow as the next week and a half are going to get intense.


Sarah and Stafford

Natalie's Sunday Panties


Trail of Tears

I will be posting on my New Orleans trip later. I had a lot of fun and it was great being able to spend all that time with the girls. I added 2 more shots while I was there for a total of 3 (1 in the thigh and 2 in the stomach). Sarah was great a great help and if this IVF cycle works she has asked for partial credit ;) When I woke up this morning I could really tell the meds were starting to work. My left ovary was really sore and I am starting to feel the bloat. I hope that I will be able to pull off more than a waddle this weekend for the Georgia game, that's alot of walking if I can't! I go back to the Dr on Wednesday to get a count of how many follicles have been stimulated and how many are maturing into eggs. If I was a betting person I would say my retrieval will be on Wednesday, November 17th. Let's see how well I know my body!

So, on to my blog Title, Trail of Tears. As I was driving back from New Orleans yesterday I was amongst tons of Alabama fans making that sad ride back home. At one point I was following several Alabama buses, not sure who was on them, would love to think the players. I followed behind one of the buses for a minute and noticed little drops of water on my windshield. I looked around and thought it doesn't look like rain outside and as I passed the bus the drops stopped and I realized it was tears of defeat coming out of the bus hitting my windshield. Sorry Bama as I love you all but WAR DAMN EAGLE!


7 Bruner's and Counting

So it seems that a few people are confused about the title of my blog, including Scott. I did it as a spoof on the ridiculous TLC reality show based on Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, 19 Kids and Counting, which if any of you watch you would know it actually started as 17 Kids and Counting. Scott and I are not intending on popping out Quints any time soon but when I named the blog I took all of our fur childern into account...putting us at 7 Bruner's. Here is the lineup.

Ashley & Scott




Lucky Sprinkles


All Clear

I had my first Dr.'s appointment today and everything looked great. Karen said everything looked perfect and to start stimulation shots tomorrow night. I go back next Wednesday to see how I am progressing and they will determine from there what day on the week of the 15th they will retrieve. I can't believe it is in less than 2 weeks, although those last two weeks are going to be the hard ones...just waiting. I am headed to New Orleans this weekend for Natalie's bachelorette party, should be interesting not drinking!

Funny story...I went to Leeds yesterday to check out the new outlet malls. I was really interested in the Banana Republic and Nine West stores. Let me just tell you the people that work out there are like white on rice, they won't let you be to look for 2 minutes and they were all so peppy (I don't do peppy)! I was in Nine West and had been there for about 10 minutes trying to find anything in my size and about the 4th sales girl walked up and asked if I was finding everything okay. I told her I was and noticed her very 1980's garb, although she probably wasn't even 21 yet. She had her hair in a high side pony tail and suede grey peter pan boots on with really green eyeshadow. As she turned to walk away she made a comment on my shoes...I had on a black dress with a white cardigan and my houndstooth heels...she said, "I really like those houndstooth pumps." (she was probably an obnoxious Alabama fan too) I said, "Thanks, I got them at a Nine West outlet several years ago." To this she replies, "Well they look great, not everyone can pull off cream and white houndstooth with a black and white outfit."


Happy Halloween

I love Halloween, it is probably my favorite holiday outside of Christmas. Here is one out of a hundred reasons why I love it so much. My camera died before I could get a picture of his full outfit (the lion from Wizard of Oz). Thanks Ashley, Ben and Powell for making my night!

Powell Curry

Nothing else going on with me. Still getting stuck in the thigh every morning, which I have to say Scott is getting better at, I can barely feel it anymore. I have my first ultra sound on Wednesday morning, everyone pray for no cysts and a good follie count so we can get this thing started!