We met with Dr. Malizia yesterday afternoon and she was very apologetic that this IVF cycle didn't work. She said as a Dr. she could tell us that everything went just as it was supposed too and that she didn't see why it didn't work. As a person she said that those just weren't our embryos and the universe just didn't line up for us this time. She talked to us about doing FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) in January. She said she could throw out all sorts of success rates and percentages but none of that really mattered, all that mattered was if those embryos made it through the thaw and attached. Scott and I have talked about what we were going to do over the past week and Scott really wasn't all that interested in going back through the process but while your on the horse you might as well keep riding.
We signed the consent to go ahead and do FET in Jan, we figured we are almost at the end of the road we might as well try this last ditch effort. I decided to start this blog before our IVF procedure not because it was the beginning of our infertility journey but because for the last two years Scott and I had been silent about everything we were going through and where many people, even our closest friends and family, thought this was the beginning of our journey it was actually the end. In the past two years I have temperature charted, taken Clomid and charted, taken Clomid with IUI, taken ovarian stimulation shots with IUI, found out our shot cycle last Decemeber had worked only to find out a week later it had failed. More shot cycles, a hiccup in April that sat us out for 3 months and during that time I had a lap done that discovered endometriosis, although not what they think the problem is. We did a practice IVF round with IUI in August and then planned for IVF in Nov which is where we brought our support system in. I am sure as some of you are reading this you had no idea and we wanted to tell people but for so long we felt that it was something we had to deal with together...on our own. Now that we have all of your support we realize that we should have been more open all along, your love and support has been what got us through this IVF procedure and we realize we needed this support.
Although we did decided yesterday to move forward with FET we are going to begin talking to adoption agencies. To date they still have me classified as "unexplained infertility" which means there is no reason why Scott and I can't pull this off on our own, maybe this just isn't our time. Again, thank you to everyone for the love and support you have sent our way, it really has made a difference. If anyone knows of successful adoption stories we would love to know about the agency they used. There is a huge world of information out there to sort through in regards to adoption and we want to make the best decision possible.