
We Love Jenny Eagan Photography!

As most of you know for the past 7 years we have taken our own Christmas picture with the dogs. We would set up a camera on a tripod and Scott would use a remote (you can see it every year in his hand) and we would take countless pictures while screaming at the dogs to be still, look at the camera, Grayson where's the bird and on and on until we came up with a decent enough picture to send out. Some years they are great some years funny and others just a hot mess. This year, since we have 3 dogs, we decided we needed some help. Scott has gotten to be friends with Hank Eagan through Jeremy Hackney and his wife Jenny has gotten into photography. We asked her if she was up for the challenge and her response was, yes...I am excited and nervous. Whey she was nervous I don't know because she did a fabulous job, she really captured some great pictures of Pepper and Gray (poor Clover isn't too photgenic). Here are just a few...if anyone needs some picutres or is interested you can visit her site http://www.jennifereaganphotography.blogspot.com/ or let us know!

The Family




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